Mr. Mamoru Fujieda


Award:                                 ISCM int'l. jury/Canada
                                       'Planetary Folklore II'
Year:                                  1984
Award:                                 5th Irino Prize commissio
                                       Planetary Folkore IV
Year:                                  x
Award:                                 Natl. Theatre of Japan
Year:                                  1988
Award:                                 Asian Cultural Council
Year:                                  1984-85
Studies:                               Tokyo College of Music
                                       University of California

Article/Review:                        R
Publication:                           V.V., NYT
Date Pub.:                             1/16/89
Reaction (Positive/Negative/neUtral:   U
Article/Review:                        R
Publication:                           NYT
Date Pub.:                             2/05/86
Reaction (Positive/Negative/neUtral:   U
Compositions on file:
"All My Loving" Resounded,1991
"What's Time?" Resounded,1991
Begin at the Begining, End at the End...",1983
Decorational Offering,1983
Doubles III,1986
Doubles Resounded II,1991
Doubles Resounded III,1992
Doubles of Francesa I,1991
Doubles of Francesa II,1992
Falling Scale No. 1,1975
Kyrie Resounded I,1987
Miroir Midieval,1985
Night Chant No. 3 for shomyo and computer,1994
Office Trip Music,1991
Piano Cocoon,1991
Planetary Folklore - nine processes of...,1980
Planetary Folklore II,1982
Rhetoric of Orchestra,1984
Talk-back Drum,1992
Upward Falling,1981

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